Best Laid Plans…..

I’ve been planning this weekend since November.

Twice a year I get four days of uninterrupted quilting bliss. A retreat where there is only the nonstop whirring of sewing machines, the laughter and chattering of good friends, a table piled with shared snacks, meals prepared by the camp staff, and spotty cell service at best (for me there is none!) — truly off the grid, concentrated quilting!

I usually get several projects done during retreat weekends. Working full time, this is really the only time I consistently get things done. 😉

This weekend’s goals?

1) Finish my youngest son’s quilt top & back to take to the quilter next week!
2) Finish the Christmas Quilt which hasn’t been touched since late January. See Never Enough Time!
3) Do a new Jelly Roll quilt.
4) ???

So here it is, the third evening of the retreat and the room divider in the camp’s dining hall is probably filled with many finished projects (last retreat ended with 53 projects done among 14 women!).

Notice I said “probably”. That’s because I can’t see the wall from where I am. In the wee hours of Thursday morning, just hours before loading the minivan, my teeth started rattling, my body started aching, and my throat was wretchedly sore!

Just like that, my weekend was derailed and so were my projects! (Sorry, son. Please be patient a little longer.) I am feeling a little better and hope I can sew tomorrow afternoon so the weekend won’t be a total quilting loss. 🙂

Still I am Blessed! My Hubby has found a never-ending supply of chicken noodle soup, orange juice, cough drops and patience!

I have also been able to play many games of Words with Friends, Candy Crush and Ruzzle between naps. (Should I really admit that vice?!) Oh, and I have watched slept through several movies I have been wanting to watch! 😉

Until next time,
Happy Quilting!

4 thoughts on “Best Laid Plans…..

  1. Lois Oleson says:

    Sorry Dawn Marie. I hope better days are ahead and there is always next year!

    • dawnmariew19 says:

      Thanks, Lois. I believe all quilts will be finished just when they need to be, not when I want them to be. That said, I promised Matthew I would not do another quilt until his is done and my wanna-do list is soooo long! LOL 🙂

  2. chaisebyrds says:

    Sorry you had to miss out. How your body is starting to recover.

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